Community Health Promotion

PICOT has a long track record and a niche in Sexual Reproductive Health programming and HIV/AIDS intervention. Currently we are implementing the Voices for Health project that focuses on youth sexual reproductive services through awareness creation and uptake of services with funding from Planned Parenthood Federation of America and “Strategies to combat HIV/AIDS” project in Maracha and Arua district with funding from CDC through IDI.

Other experience in the thematic area health include Regional Outreaches Addressing HIV/AIDS Through Development Strategies (Roads II) with funding from Family Health International/USAID, Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD) Regional HIV/AIDS Partnership Program, with funding from IGAD through Uganda AIDS Commission

Strengthening civil society for improved HIV/AIDS and OVC service delivery in Uganda (SCIPHA), Civil Society Fund through Joint Clinical Research Centre (JCRC)

Broad objective: To promote holistic community health interventions for healthy living 

  • HIV/AIDS prevention and care
  • Community and household sanitation, clean water and hygiene promotion to prevent infections and outbreak of epidemics, and
  • reproductive health promotion (adolescents’ sexual health, family planning, antenatal care, PMTCT, sexually transmitted infections and sensitization on preventable diseases among others)
  • Behaviour change communication on drug and substance abuse
  • Care and support for Orphans and vulnerable children as well as people living with HIV.

PICOT believes that communities’ are resourceful and that empowered communities are a prerequisite for improving individual and community health. Together with the community, the organization shall mobilize resources and create awareness on the need to promote access to appropriate health services in the community for a healthy living now and in future.

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